
My blog

Hello ! Did you have a nice weekend ? I spent most of my time with a computer. Since I started my blog,actually I have two blogs, I have been addicted to them. I think doing with PC for long time is not good for my health. I have stiff shoulders and neck.

My another blog which was about singers-Tohoshinki, a Korean pop group. Tohoshinki is very popular in Asian countries.I am a big fan of theirs. Writing topics of them was fun but preparation was tough. If I want to edit their topic I have to access Korean website then collect some information first.  Then I find their pictures, movies, or news and up to my blog.  It usually takes about three or four hours . I had done it for a month so I was exhausted.

Then I decided to switch the new theme,"Studying English blog of middle aged woman". After that I feel more relax. I don't need to check Korean sites in the morning anymore.I love Tohoshinnki but my health is more important than them. However The blog which I changed the tytle  whose purpose is passing Eiken Grade 1. Isn't that harder than previous one ? Anyway I will do my best.I like studying. I love it more than Tohoshinki.

 Tohoshinki, Chanmin and Yunho



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