
My lovely dog, Pea chan.

Hello! How's your weekend ? I'm going to go Shopping today. I have a plan to meet my old friend in this month, so I want to buy a new shirt for the day. Let's go to UNIQLO !?

Today I introduce my pet pea chan. she is not a bean. She came to my place six year's ago. She was a stray dog. Her former owner threw her away. How terrible it is! One day she appeared in front of my house, She looked really thirsty and hungry. Then she fainted. We were not suppose to have her but  felt very pity  because she didn't have a house. We tried to find a former owner but we couldn't find it.

Then Six years have passed. She seems to be a one of my family now. She is  maybe 12 years. That kind of age means senior in human world. Six months ago She was bad ill. A vet said she might to die in a month. I was very shocked to hear that. I prepared a coffin which I decorated by flowers. Her eyes looked weak and her hair was feeble. She couldn't walk by herself and bark either. I thought the time she would go to a heaven was coming.

But, but, Something happened. She is getting better these days. It's like a miracle. She has an appetite and can walk with me. My vet were astonished when he saw her. Now she is fine but aging. My doggy pea chan who pees everywhere in my house. Oh no!!!



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